Our Location

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

About Us

Academy's Work Philosophy

The Academy’s work philosophy is based on a flexible model involving an agile organisational structure with a motivating work environment, smart technologies, modern learning tools, sustainable buildings and an innovative and a continuously evolving team.

Who We Are

Blessed by His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik’s honorary patronage, the Royal Academy of Management aspires to deliver His Majesty’s ambition of further developing and empowering existing and future leaders in Oman.

Embodiming the Academy's ambitious vision to be a leading scientific beacon in leadership and executive management in alignment with Oman’s future vision, the Academy aspires to be a reference for executive learning, a center for developing national leadership, and a platform for thought, administrative development, and knowledge foresight. Its goal is to enhance the prospects of the Omani economy in a work environment that fosters a culture of efficiency, productivity, and innovation.

Created under Royal Decree No. 2/2022, the Academy aligns with Oman Vision 2040, which pledges to broaden the horizons of the nation’s economy by providing Oman with national competencies and driven leaders.

To foster a culture of innovation in the institutions of the state’s administrative apparatus, the Academy offers specialized studies and applied research in modern government management. This aims to develop intellectual content and keep pace with the concept of 'modern public administration.' Additionally, the Academy will provide support, administrative development, and practical knowledge.

The Academy is a pioneering, world-renowned hub in executive leadership, and a platform for insight and innovation. It is underpinned by modern management practices in accordance with international standards of competitiveness and dynamism.

To deepen benefits and align with the global trend towards digital education and training, the Academy will provide a platform for applied blended learning. Additionally, it will collaborate with knowledge sources and digital libraries internationally.

Vision and Message

The Message

A reference for executive learning, a center for developing national leadership and administrative competencies, and a platform for thought, administrative development, and knowledge foresight, aiming to enhance the prospects of the Omani economy in a work environment that fosters a culture of efficiency, productivity, and innovation.

The Vision

A leading scientific beacon in modern leadership and executive management, achieving Oman’s future vision.

Strategic Objectives

Strategic Building

Adopting modern learning tools and methods

Future needs in the context of the new economy

Developing the state’s administrative apparatus

Oman Vision 2040

Message from the President

His Excellency Dr. Ali bin Qassim Al-Lawati
President of the Royal Academy of Management

I am pleased to share with you the beginning of our journey in establishing the Royal Academy of Management, which is honored to be under the patronage of His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tariq, may God protect and preserve him. This reflects the high-level attention our wise leadership gives to preparing and empowering national leaders in both the public and private sectors, in line with the opportunities presented by Oman Vision 2040, which we collectively bear responsibility for, each in their position and according to their specialization.

Today, we stand on the threshold of a future characterized by an unprecedented pace of change, where the success of countries, governments, and institutions depends on applying modern management concepts that keep pace with changes, generate opportunities, and inspire creativity—addressing the needs of both today and the future.

We recognize that true transformation is a challenging and ongoing process. Therefore, we have adopted the concept of flexible management, centered around portfolio management through self-directed teams that are equipped to respond swiftly and flexibly to the needs of stakeholders and emerging developments.

More than ever, we need to communicate and exchange experiences. Therefore, we have given special attention to the foundations of the Academy’s work to become a platform that connects participants with innovative ideas for leading development and shaping the future. In the initial phase of the Academy, we are operating with the concept of specialized centers for leadership in both the public and private sectors, supported by studies and knowledge foresight.

We hope that the Academy will become a continually renewing source of inspiration for everyone who participates in and engages with its initiatives and programs, leaving a lasting impact and providing ongoing support.

Therefore, I invite you all to join us on this national journey of developing and preparing leaders, so that we can all contribute to realizing Oman’s future vision.

Board of Trustees of the Academy

According to Royal Decree No. 2/2022, the Royal Academy of Management shall have a Board of Trustees chaired by the Minister of the Sultan’s Court. A decision from the Council of Ministers will appoint its members and specify their term of office. In August 2022, the Council of Ministers approved the appointment of the Board of Trustees members of the Royal Academy of Management for the next three years.

Picture of الشيخ وليد بن خميس الحشار

Sheikh Walid bin Khamis Al-Hashar

Chief Executive Officer of Bank Muscat


Picture of الفاضلة/ خولة بنت حمود الحارثية

Ms. Khawla bint Hamood Al-Harthiya

Chief Executive Officer of Injaz Oman


Picture of الدكتور/ حاتم بن بخيت الشنفري

Dr. Hatem bin Bkheit Al-Shanfri

Faculty Member at the College of Economics and Political Science, Sultan Qaboos University


International Advisory Council

According to Royal Decree No. 2/2022, the Royal Academy of Management shall have a Board of Trustees chaired by the Minister of the Sultan’s Court. A decision from the Council of Ministers will appoint its members and specify their term of office. In August 2022, the Council of Ministers approved the appointment of the Board of Trustees members of the Royal Academy of Management for the next three years.

Picture of البروفيسور/ بينج شيانغ

Professor Bing Xiang

Founding Dean at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB)

Professor and researcher specializing in business, globalization, and the restructuring of state-owned enterprises

Board member of several Fortune Global 500 companies listed in Hong Kong, China, and the United States

Thinker and international speaker at conferences and seminars organized by the World Economic Forum, Harvard University, and others

Picture of توماس هندريك إيلفس

Thomas Hendrik Ilves

Former President of Estonia

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia and former Ambassador to the United States, Canada, and Mexico

Visiting Professor at Stanford University and Columbia University in the United States

Chief Executive Officer of Ilves Consulting Group

Picture of البروفيسور/ سانجيڤ خاجرام

Professor Sanjiv Khagram

Dean and Chief Executive Officer of Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University

Former Professor at Harvard University, Stanford University, National University of Singapore, and the University of Washington.

He has overseen the Global Partnership for Sustainable Data Development, the International Open Data Charter, and other initiatives.

International thinker and researcher in leadership, strategic management, entrepreneurship and innovation, sustainable development, public-private partnerships, and the digital economy.

Picture of سفيتلانا ڤيليكانوڤا

Svetlana Velikanova

Chief Executive Officer of Harbour.Space University

The co-founder and CEO of the Harbor Space Group in Europe and Asia.

The co-founder of the Modern Technologies and Programming Unions in Luxembourg.

Worked at major global companies in the financial sector, such as Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, and the CITIBANK Group.

Picture of البروفيسور/ شاڤيير سالا مارتن

Professor Xavier Sala-i-Martin.

A leading economist in competitiveness and innovation.

Chief Economic Advisor.

Professor of Economics at Columbia University, USA.
Previously served as a professor at the prestigious Harvard University and Yale University in the United States.

Co-author of the Global Competitiveness Report for the World Economic Forum.

Former president and member of the Economic Committee of FC Barcelona in Spain.

Picture of الدكتور/ علي جابر

Dr. Ali Jaber.

Executive Director of MBC Group.

Ph.D. in Management Practices from the University of Cambridge, UK.

Founder and Dean of the School of Media at the American University in the United Arab Emirates.

Member of several educational institutions in the region and the Middle East.

Picture of البروفيسورة/ نايري وودز

Professor Nairi Woods

Founding Dean of the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford

Professor of Global Economic Governance at the University of Oxford

Chair of the Visiting Committee on International Communications at Harvard University

Member of the boards of numerous educational and economic institutions worldwide

Alumni Council

According to Royal Decree No. 2/2022, the Royal Academy of Management shall have a Board of Trustees chaired by the Minister of the Sultan’s Court. A decision from the Council of Ministers will appoint its members and specify their term of office. In August 2022, the Council of Ministers approved the appointment of the Board of Trustees members of the Royal Academy of Management for the next three years.

Picture of الفاضلة/ أسماء بنت علي الزدجالية

Ms. Asmaa bint Ali Al Zadjali

Head of Banking Operations Group
Bank of Oman Arab

Picture of الدكتورة/ أمل بنت عبيد المجينية

Dr. Amal bint Obaid Al Mujaini

A pioneer in the field of competency and leadership development.

Picture of الفاضل/ بدر بن عبدالله الهاشمي

Mr. Badr bin Abdullah Al Hashimi


Picture of الفاضل/ حسن بن فدا اللواتي

Mr. Hassan bin Fada Al Lawati

Head of the National Program for Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Technologies
Ministry of Transport, Communications, and Information Technology

Picture of المهندس/ سعيد بن سيف المسكري

Eng. Said bin Saif Al Maskari

Senior Manager, Transactions and Structuring
Oman National Investments Development Company (Tanmia)

Picture of الفاضل/ سلطان بن أحمد الوهيبي

Mr. Sultan bin Ahmed Al Wahaibi

Chief Executive Officer
National Broadband Company

Picture of المهندس/ سليمان بن علي المحروقي

Eng. Suleiman bin Ali Al Mahrouqi


Picture of الفاضلة/ شريفة بنت مسلم البرعمية

Ms. Sharifa bint Muslim Al Barami


Picture of المهندسة/ صديقة بنت فائق اللواتية

Eng. Sadiqa bint Faiq Al Lawati

Green Molecules Manager
OQ Alternative Energy

Picture of المهندس/ علي بن جمعة المشرفي

Eng. Ali bin Jumaa Al Musharafi

Chief Executive Officer
Kharosan Energy

Picture of الدكتور/ فراس بن علي العبدواني

Dr. Firas bin Ali Al Abduwani

Vice President for Clean Energy
OQ Alternative Energy