Our Location

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124


The Royal Academy of Management

The Leadership Communities Platform to Position the Sultanate of Oman Among Developed Nations
Through specialized centers for developing leadership, national competencies, future readiness, and updating operational mechanisms in alignment with Oman Vision 2040
Through specialized centers for developing leadership, national competencies, future readiness, and updating operational mechanisms in alignment with Oman Vision 2040

The Royal Academy of Management operates through three specialized, non-structural centers, each independently functioning to ensure rapid response to changes in their respective areas of focus.
These centers are the Leadership Development Center, the Local Administration Development Center, and the Future Readiness Center. They are guided by high-level directives on enhancing the efficiency of the administrative apparatus, the importance of the private sector, and directing development to the governorates.
high-level directives on enhancing the efficiency of the state administrative apparatus, the importance of the private sector, directing development to the governorates, and the priorities for leadership and management in...
Oman’s Future Vision

Center of Local Governance

Center of Future Readiness